@KTzone » 遊戲 - 電腦遊戲討論 » Hotel Dash: Suite Success 美女酒店:成功套房 绿色完全版

2010-9-7 21:34 chainkown
Hotel Dash: Suite Success 美女酒店:成功套房 绿色完全版

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英文名称:hotel dash: suite success

when quinn's new travel business hits a snag, she needs flo's patented elbow grease to help renovate and run hotels all over dinertown! as flo, you will deliver guest's luggage, drop off room service and provide extra towels, blankets and anything else they may need to stay happy and leave big tips! along the way you will use your tips to decorate and restore each hotel back to its original charm. watch out for the mysterious mishaps and accidents that threaten your progress! do you have what it takes to keep everyone happy, or will the mysterious shadow halt your success?

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